Terms of Use


Welcome to our website www.wheelsbox.com of “TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED”. Please read the Terms & Conditions (“Term of Use” or “Agreement” carefully before using the web application, information displayed and its services offered by TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED. Accessing the website in any manner or by automation agrees the use of our website and your acceptance to be bound to these “Terms & Conditions”. TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED reserves the right to change its “Terms & Conditions” from time to time without any given prior notice to the customer “You”. By using the “Web Application” you shall not hold TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED liable for any event occurred. In any case of a disagreement of the above, you could stop using the “Web application”.

All web application securities, Copyright, Trademark or Patent laws are exclusive properties of TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED. Intellectual property (means), includes, but is not restricted to web application, systems or code/scripts, design subjects, graphics, interactive characteristic, artwork(s), text communication(s), and any other content that may be found. All trademarks, service marks and trade names are owned, registered and/or licensed by TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED.

TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED grants you to a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate and distribute your user content in any existing or future media. TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED does not grant you any other rights whatsoever in relation to this web application or the material on this web application. All other rights are reserved by TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED.

All data shown on the web application is for general information purpose only. The data and information collected and shown on the web application are from partner dealership(s), they have been reviewed from time-to-time to ensure evaluation and accuracy of the data appearing on the website. While we strive to offer accurate data, we make no assurance regarding the authenticity, comprehensive, phase, or establish of any of the data or information on this web application, and you should not depend on it without an autonomous confirmation.

Scope of Services

TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED will give our member course of actions to advertise their cars on our web application (Partner Dealership & Private Sellers) and shall display the cars for a concur amount of time to visitors (Customer). We shall also display the content related to the cars (New Cars & Used Cars)..

As we go to a new horizon, we may change our content of the web application based on user experience for enhancement of more product and services. All such updation in the content will be done on a time to time basis and all such updates should be reviewed from our web application only. We reserve the right to do so to upgrade our web application/servers.

Buying & Selling of Cars

TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is a listing, information service and buying site wherein we bring together seller(s) (Partner Dealership & Private Sellers) and buyer(s) (Customer) via the internet on our web application. TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED will be a party in only on the particular transaction (Successful transaction of Quotation & Pre-Booking) between the seller and buyer that derive from our web application. At no time shall TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED have any obligations or liabilities in respect of such transactions. All information about a car is provided by the seller (Partner Dealership or Private Seller) and not by TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED.

While we endeavour our best to give accurate information of content, you shall not completely rely on us and shall do so by physical verification of the content (Car Details). The term of sale and price shall remain subject to direct wheeling and dealing between the seller and you. While we understand that every visitor coming on WheelsBox.com shall act in respect and dignity, treat each other fairly, we cannot verify the details that a seller (Partner Dealership or Private Seller) serve or assure the car they present. Neither can we promise the seller of the car that the transaction or payment they receive from the buyer is lawful. We recommend using our web application in good sight and wisdom while buying or selling a car.


At any given time to have decided to purchase a car or any of its services you shall read about WheelsBox.com, you shall reaffirm any information, which includes documentation, EMI structure, ROI (Rate of Interest), price, insurance, the location that is a priority to your purchasing choice. WheelsBox.com shall not be held responsible for or does not assure/guarantee the presentation of, any such car, goods and services recorded or confined on WheelsBox.com.

Individuals may purchase used cars listed on WheelsBox.com for their own use only. For all other purchases (Third Parties such as Car Second House Sales, marketer, mediator) it’s may constitute in violation of the terms and conditions of TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED. All such third parties may contact us on +91-9886899900 or write to us at info@wheelsbox.com.

Amongst others, it is not granted to submit a lead or to enquire against a used car listing on WheelsBox.com by any type of user, including but not limited to individuals, dealers, brokers, or other business entities, for purposes of data gathering, data mining, brokering, match-making with other buyers, or purchase for resale.

Sell/Exchange Your Car

Wheelsbox.com gives an option to users to sell/exchange their car. On the home page, select the “Sell your Car” tab and fill in all the details as required by us. Our representative shall in touch with you or further details.

For You to offer a vehicle for sale through our Sell/Exchange Your Car service for private sellers; You must have possession of the actual vehicle listed and the ability to transfer title. To list a vehicle for sale on WheelsBox.com, sellers also are required to provide certain identifying and contact information. You may not charge any potential buyer for information about any vehicle listed for sale on WheelsBox.com, nor may You use our Website to promote, without our prior written permission, any other Website, product, or service.

By using our Website to sell/exchange your vehicle as a private seller, You represent that You are under the legal age, that You are not a motor vehicle dealer, that You are not listing a vehicle for sale in your capacity as an owner, employee or representative of a dealer, and that neither You nor anyone acting on your behalf will list more one vehicles for sale simultaneously.

Responsibility for the information contained in each listing lies with each seller. You alone are responsible for the material You post, including listing information of your vehicle. Nothing will undermine a user's confidence in the vehicle You are looking to sell faster than inaccurate statements or misleading representations about the vehicle. And since any erosion of user confidence in You is likely to be accompanied by erosion of user confidence in us, We care deeply about making sure that the information You supply is accurate and that, in all respects, You treat other WheelsBox.com users fairly and honourably.

In connection with our efforts to fight Internet fraud and any form of frauds, some listings may be screened before being posted publicly. This process may delay the publication of your listing. While we may not screen every single transaction that originates through a listing on WheelsBox.com, We may, from time to time, perform random quality assurance tests to confirm that those who offer vehicles for sale over vehicles are advertised. By using our Website, You agree to cooperate in these quality assurance tests. If our tests reveal, or We, otherwise learn, that a seller may be violating the terms of this Visitor Agreement, We reserve the right to deny that seller use of services offered on our Website and any affiliated Websites and remove that seller's listings from each site.


Our Website allows users to publish listings, ratings, and reviews and to access social media tools where users may posts material accessible to others or transmit communications to others. Some of these tools may be operated by third parties, and your use of them is subject to both the terms of this Terms & Conditions and to the policies of their third-party providers.

You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of any interactive areas of our Website. You acknowledge that any of the user-generated content posted or transmitted through our Website represents the views of the author, and not of WheelsBox.com. You also acknowledge that your use of or reliance on such content is at your own risk.

When publishing anything to our site or using any social medial tools or interactive features, You agree that You will not post or transmit:

Any copyrighted material unless You own or control the copyright in and to such material.

Material that is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, libellous, tortuous, abusive, vulgar, hateful, racist, bigoted, sexist, harassing, threatening, inflammatory, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, invasive of a person's privacy or is otherwise objectionable or in violation of any applicable law, rule, or regulation.

Material that violates or infringes the rights of any other party, including, without limitation, rights of privacy, rights of publicity, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights.

Profanity in subject lines, messages, or signatures:

Any material containing viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or any other disruptive or harmful component:

Material that breaches another's privacy, i.e. containing phone numbers, addresses, or other personal information.

Spam, including, but not limited to junk mails, chain letters, unsolicited bulk email or duplicative messages, excessive cross-postings, and material that is unrelated to the forum in which it is posted:

Material that contains advertisements or commercial solicitations: or

material discussing illegal activities or linking to Websites that deals with such activities.

You further agree that You will not attempt or do any of the following:

Interfere with or disrupt the WheelsBox.com Website or our computer systems, servers, or networks;

Attempt to gain unauthorized access to any part of the Website, to accounts that belong to other users, or to computer systems or network connected to the Website:

Engage in any systematic extraction of data or data fields, including, without limitation, email addresses, by use of any automated mechanism, such web robots, crawlers, or spiders (except in strict conformance with the Robots Exclusion Protocol) or otherwise:

Collect information about others without their consent:

Interfere with the use of our Website by any other individual or party:

Impersonate any person, or otherwise attempt to mislead others about your identity or post material under secondary user names or other aliases: or

Share any username and/ or password You have on our Website with any other persons.

Without limiting any of WheelsBox.com other rights or remedies, a violation of any of the above may result in the removal of any content You have transmitted or posted, revocation of any accounts You have on TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED or on our affiliated Websites and services, and/or a ban from creating new accounts.

Although WheelsBox.com cannot monitor all of the listings and content posted to our Website, We reserve the right (but assume no obligation) to delete, move, condense or edit any ads, ratings, reviews, content, or another posting that come to our attention that We consider unacceptable or inappropriate, whether for legal or other reasons. We retain the right to deny access to anyone who We believe has violated these terms or any other terms of this Terms & Conditions. We will not, in the ordinary course of the business, review the content of private electronic messages that are not addressed to us. However, We may occasionally monitor such communications as We believe is appropriate to comply with applicable laws, respond to legal process or a law enforcement request, to enforce this Terms & Conditions, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of visitors to our Website, our advertisers, the public, us or our affiliates. Notwithstanding the foregoing, WheelsBox.com takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content posted to our Website by You or by the third parties.

Any Other Content

TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED makes best efforts to ensure the content on the site is accurate. However, TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of this content.


The user releases TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED from all third-party claims against TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED in such circumstances that the user's advertisement violates the rights of this third party, or by any other use of the Website. The user also agrees to assume any necessary costs, including but not limited to, legal and court fees necessary to protect the rights of WheelsBox.com.

Search & Integrity

Vehicles in WheelsBox.com database may be searched for only via the search functions offered on the site. Users may not interfere with the Website's proprietary contents and coding. Attempts to influence the contents of other parties' advertisements are also forbidden. Any such attempts will be prosecuted in all vigour.


Under circumstances of force majeure, such as lawsuits, failure in communication technologies, natural disasters, and other such occurrences, TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED will be released of its obligations to perform. No claims can be made to TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED under such circumstances.


You agree that We may, under some circumstances and without prior notice to You, terminate your use of and access to any of the parts of our Website to which We restrict access, for example, by requiring registration. Some of the reasons for such termination may include, but are not limited to,

  • A breach or violation or suspected breach or violation of this Visitor Agreement or other incorporated terms or guidelines
  • A request by law enforcement or another government agency
  • Our decision to discontinue or change all or part of the Website
  • Technical or security issuesand
  • Fraudulent or illegal activities.

All terminations will be made in our sole discretion and You agree that We will not be liable for any termination of your use of or access to the Website or any part of the Website.

CopyRights & Website Rights

Any and all data, information, company logos, texts, programs and images of advertisements placed on the WheelsBox.com Website are subject to copyright laws. Any further processing or usage in any kind by third parties is not permitted. This applies to both participants' as TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED own data. The copyright associated with an advertised vehicle, i.e. photos and text, does remain property of the advertiser.

Severability Clause

In case any of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions are deemed ineffective or invalid, they will be replaced with legal effective and valid provisions as close as possible in meaning to these provisions. This will in no way affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The same applies to omissions in these terms and conditions.

Disclaimer of Warranties, Limitation of Liability, Law and Indemnification

If You Rely On This Website Or Any Information, Product, Or Service Available Through This Website, You Do So At Your Own Risk. You Understand That There May Be Delays, Omissions, Interruptions, Inaccuracies, And/Or Other Problems With The Information, Products, And Services Published On Or Promoted Through This Website. This Website Is Provided To You "As-Is." TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED And Its Affiliates, Agents, And Licensors Cannot And Do Not Warrant The Accuracy, Completeness, Currentness, Noninfringement, Merchantability, Or Fitness For A Particular Purpose Of The Information Available Through This Website (Or Any Information, Goods, Or Services That Are Referred To, Advertised Or Promoted On, Or Sold Through This Website). Nor Do We Or They Guarantee That This Website Will Be Error-Free, Or Continuously Available, Or That This Website Will Be Free Of Viruses Or Other Harmful Components. TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED and Its Affiliates, Agents, And Licensors Will Not Be Liable For Any Claims, Actions, Or Judgments Arising Out Of Or Related To Any Content Posted To This Website By You Or Any Third Party.

Under No Circumstances, Will TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED Or Its Affiliates, Agents, Or Licensors Be Liable To You Or Anyone Else For Any Damages Arising Out Of Your Use Of This Website Or Any Product Or Service Linked To Or From Or Advertised Or Promoted On This Website, Including, Without Limitation, Consequential, Special, Incidental, Indirect, Punitive, Exemplary, Or Other Damages Of Any Kind (Including Lost Revenues Or Profits, Loss Of Business, And Loss Of Data), Even If We Are Advised Beforehand Of The Possibility Of Such Damages. You Agree That The Liability Of TATOOINE TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED And Its Affiliates, Agents, And Licensors, If Any, Arising Out Of Any Kind Of Legal Claim Arising Out Of Or Otherwise Relating To This Website Will Not Exceed The Amount You Paid, If Any, For The Use Of The Website Out Of Which Such Liability Allegedly Arises. Without Limiting The Generality Of The Preceding Sentence, You Agree That We Are Not Responsible Or Liable To You Or Anyone Else For Any Threatening, Defamatory, Obscene, Offensive, Tortious, Or Illegal Conduct By You Or Any Other Party Or Any Infringement Of Your Or Another'S Rights Arising From Or In Connection With This Website.

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of India and Karnataka. In case of any dispute, the courts of Bengaluru shall have jurisdiction.